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The Arc of Spokane

Virtual Resource Library

The Arc hosts a variety of workshops, seminars, and activities all geared toward supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), their families, and support systems. These video offerings cover a variety of topics and are intended to start you on your journey. Please contact The Arc at for more information on any of these topics.

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Workshops and Webinars

Life After High School

Learn what comes after high school. These videos will support and guide parents and guardians through the transition from student to adult and embrace the next exciting steps your student can take after high school.

Healthy Relationships

These videos provide a handful of perspectives on different types of relationships, what makes up a healthy relationship, and how to advocate for yourself.

Adulting 101

These life skills videos provide education on topics such as internet safety, healthy relationships, self-advocacy, and more!

DDA Waivers

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) assists people with IDD and their families in obtaining services and supports based on individual preference, capabilities, and needs. Learn more about this system and how to advocate for services.

Sexual Abuse Awareness & Response

Learn why people with IDD are more vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation, signs to look for, and how to respond to a disclosure in a way that is trauma-informed, beginning first with belief.

IEPs and 504s

Learn how to confidently navigate often complex and difficult IEP and 504 conversations when advocating for your child in school!

Guardianship Alternatives

Alternatives to Guardianship, including Supported Decision Making, are great ways to provide support for a loved one with an IDD without taking away their rights.

Financial Planning

You don’t need a lot of money to make a financial plan, but you do need to plan. Financial planning for people with IDD is crucial to ensuring fulfilled lives.

The New Applied Behavior Analysis

Learn about common criticisms of ABA, new and ethical considerations around treatment plans, and preferred outcomes when considering working with an ABA specialist.